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E-08511 Tavertet
Catalunya 15-03-2012
Biographies of Raimon Panikkar The Vivarium Foundation, founded by Panikkar as testamentary heir for the publication of his writings and his image, is aware of the wish of some scholars from different countries to write a biography of Panikkar. Having already responded to various enquiries, the Foundation would like to make the following statement to all Panikkar’s friends, acquaintances and colleagues for whom we have contact details: 1. It was the explicit wish of Raimon Panikkar, repeatedly expressed, that a biography of himself, based on information from his friends and acquaintances, not be published. 2. In particular: 3. For these reasons, many years ago Panikkar entrusted his diaries to one person, Milena Carrara, and also named her as depositary executor of his archives, manuscripts, letters and all personal documents, with the explicit direction to make any use of them in concord with Vivarium. Therefore any biography would be not only “unauthorised” but, more importantly, contrary to the wishes of Panikkar himself. Naturally, this would not apply to any kind of work concerning the intellectual examination of his thought. It is our hope that that these wishes will be respected by all, and that any enquiries on strictly personal matters through interviews or other means will not elicit responses contrary to those wishes. Confident of your understanding, we thank-you.
“I started as a Christian, I discovered I was a Hindu and returned as a Buddhist without having ceased to be a Christian”