Raimon Panikkar

official site




8. Panikkar as a Lecturer

Raimon Panikkar has given many lectures in universities and various social and academic institutions throughout Europe, the United States, Canada, India, Israel, Japan and many other countries. The following Lectures can be highlighted:

“The Cardinal Bea Lecture” (1970).
“The William Noble Lecture”, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Massachusetts (1973).
“The Cummings Lectureship”, McGill Univ., Montréal, Canada (1975).
“The Warner Lectures Series”, St. Joseph Seminary, Minessota (1981).
“The Presidential Lectures”, Duquesne Univ., Pittsburgh (1982).
“The Fifth Thomas Merton Lecture”, Columbia Univ., New York (1982).
“The Gifford Lectures”, in Edinburgh, Escòcia (1989). The most prestigious of all, from which a long-awaited book is due to emerge: The Rhythm of Being.
“William Daniel Cobb Lectures”, Lexington Theological Seminary, Kentucky (1989).
“Warren Lecture”, University of Tulsa (1991).
“The Cardinal Bellarmin Lectures”, University of Saint Louis (1991).

*1. An Outstanding Man. Raimon Panikkar’s Fourfold Identity

*2. A Multicultural and Multireligious Origin. From Barcelona to Rome, via Bonn, Madrid and Salamanca (1918-1954)

*3. India. Christian-Hindu-Buddhist symbiosis. Meeting Monchanin and Le Saux (1955-1966)

*4. University teaching in California (1966-1987)

*5. His return to his Catalan roots to complete his vital cycle

*6. Raimon Panikkar: Writing as a Life-style

*7. Several Panikkars or a continuity within diversity?

“I started as a Christian, I discovered I was a Hindu and returned as a Buddhist without having ceased to be a Christian”