Boston (U.S.A.), 2017

Date: 17 November, 2017
Organizers: SACP (Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy) and AAR (American Academy of Religion)

n addition to the regular SACP panel, the SACP hosted a mini-symposium on the intercultural thought of Raimon Panikkar at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion in Boston.
Raimon Panikkar’s thought covers a wide range of fields from theology to philosophy, culminating in the praxis of dialogical dialogue that aims at facilitating interreligious and intercultural communication and mutual enrichment. The purpose of the symposium is to celebrate the forthcoming book, The Companion to Raimon Panikkar (Cambridge: James Clark, 2017) ed., Peter Phan & Young-chan Ro, (Cambridge: James Clarke, 2017). The contributors of this volume will share their findings, but the symposium is open to all scholars and professionals who find Panikkar’s dialogical philosophy important. Together, we will engage Panikkar’s insight, multifaceted philosophy, and dynamic praxis.

The themes of this year’s symposium are:
Philosophical (and theological) critique of Panikkar’s interreligious intercultural thought.
Topics of interest:

    • Pluralism
    • Myth and logos
    • Diatopical hermeneutics
    • Dialogue and dialectics
    • Cultural disarmament

Joseph Prabhu (Cal State U LA), "Raimon Panikkar as a Christian Thinker: An Appreciation"
Michiko Yusa (WWU), "Raimon Panikkar and the Silence of the Buddha"
Jyri Komulainen (U of Helsinki) "Panikkar the Dialogical Man: Religion and Religions"
Abraham Valez de Cea (Eastern Kentucky U) "Hermeneutics, Myth, Symbol, Religious Language"
Young-chan Ro, (George Mason U), "Mysticism and Spirituality in Raimon Panikkar"
Leo Lefebure, (Georgetown U) "Who Is Playing with Whom? The Many Dwelling Places of Wisdom in the Theology of Raimon Panikkar"
Anselm Min, (Claremont Graduate University), "The Trinity and the Cosmotheandric Vision: Reflections on Panikkar's Intercultural Theology"
Roberta Cappellini, (Florence, Italy) "Gender and Sexuality in Raimon Panikkar's Vision"
Fred Dallmayr, (U Notre Dame) "Sacred Secularity and Prophetism: A Tension in Panikkar's Work?"
Peter C. Phan, (Georgetown U) "Raimon Panikkar's 'Eschatology'" The Unpublished Chapter"
Francis X. Clooney, (Harvard U), "An Epilogue, After Panikkar"
Erik Ranstrom, (Rosemont College) "Raimon Panikkar and the Contemplative Life: Lessons for a Spiritual Director in the Ignatian Tradition"
Mark Banas, (Georgia State U) "Panikkar at the Movie: Examples of Myth and Logos in Film"
Seungchul Kim, (Nanzan U) "Venture in the Forest: Reading and Translating Raimon Panikkar"


Raimon Panikkar

sito ufficiale

“Quanto più osiamo camminare per nuovi sentieri
tanto più dobbiamo restare radicati nella nostra tradizione
e aperti agli altri, i quali ci fanno sapere che non siamo soli
e ci consentono di acquistare una visione più ampia della realtà.”