Chennai (India), 2018

4 December 2018

Seminar commemorating the 100th Birth Anniversary of the Eminent Philosopher
Raimon Panikkar (1918-2018)


  • Introduction of two recent Raimon Panikkar’s books: Pilgrimage to Kailash and The Water of the Drop

Dr. Milena Carrara Pavan (Italy), President of Fundació Vivarium Raimon Panikkar, Tavertet (Spain) and General Editor of Raimon Panikkar’s Complete Works (18 Vol.s)
Dr. Paulo Barone (Int. Association for Analytical Psychology, Italy)

  • Panel discussion

Dr. Joshua Kalapati (HOD, Philosophy, MCC), Moderator
Dr. Maria Arul Raja (Director, IDCR, Chennai) ‘Cosmotheandic Vision: Interrogating Anthropocentrism
Dr. Xavier Tharamel (Kaladi, Kerala) ‘The Impact of Panikkar’s Insights for the 2st1 Century
Dr. Anand Amaladass (Chennai) ‘Mysticism and Public Life go together
A. Stanley Jebaraj and Dr. Joshua Kalapati

The Faculty and Students of the Department of Philosophy cordially invite anybody interested in attending

Dr. A. Stanley Jebaraj
Staff Advisor, Philosophy Association

Dr. Joshua Kalapati,
Head of the Department


Raimon Panikkar

sito ufficiale

“Quanto più osiamo camminare per nuovi sentieri
tanto più dobbiamo restare radicati nella nostra tradizione
e aperti agli altri, i quali ci fanno sapere che non siamo soli
e ci consentono di acquistare una visione più ampia della realtà.”