Raimon Panikkar

el sitio oficial

A Pilgrimage to Kailash

This diary tells a cosmotheandric story from a small human standpoint. It is a personal story, but it also counts as an archetype. It is a beat in the cosmic symphony we have played probably unconsciously.
We left this book to 'settle' for several years ... We therefore decided to overcome our reserve, realizing that our experience, like every human experience, is not individual, and that to communicate it in its simplicity, its nudity almost, could perhaps offer joy and hope to those on the path towards the goal to which every human being on earth is called.

(from the Prologue of Raimon Panikkar, 2009)

Another ten years have passed. We have gone back over the stages of your life by reading your diaries, which you wanted me to comment on, perhaps in the awarness that your life on this earth was drawimg to a close.
You asked me to add the last pages as a third part of the book, to complete the story that otherwise would have been left incomplete.Our dialogue has come to an end with the conclusion of your life.

(from the Prologue of Milena Carrara, 2010)

“ Escribir es, para mi, vida intelectual
y también experiencia espiritual …
me permite profundizar el mistero de la realidad.”