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Raimon Panikkar
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Spirituality, the Way of Life Vol. I, Part 2
While the first part of Mysticism and Spirituality deals with mysticism as a supreme experience of realty, the second part focusses on spirituality as the path to this experience. Although he was well aware of the difficulty of defining modern-day spirituality with its many different paths, bound not only to traditions and religions but also to the various forms of human sensitivity and to the historical period, the author gives us a rough outline, an overall view of this spirituality with its capacity to involve Man in the fullness of its reality, as expressed in the four Greek words sôma-psychê-polis-kosmos, or body, soul, society and cosmos. However, Man also discovers a divine element that is both immanent and transcendent – and it is precisely this mysterious element, this breath, this transcendent and immanent presence, which gives all things, including Man himself, their identity.
«Ecrire, pour moi, est autant vie intellectuelle
qu’expérience spirituelle…
cela me permet d’approfondir
le mystère de la réalité.»