Honolulu (Hawaii), 2016
Raimon Panikkar, one of the pioneers of intercultural dialogue, developed the idea of “dia-topical hermeneutic” to explore the significance of “place” (topos) in understanding and interpreting religious and cultural traditions. For Panikkar, “place” or “space” plays a critical role in “understanding” and “interpretation” by crossing different geographical boundaries, cultural contexts, and religious traditions of the world. According to Panikkar, “dia-chronical hermeneutic,” interpretation across different periods of time through history within a socio-religious and cultural tradition, is commonly practiced, however, we are now facing a new challenge to cross the cultural regions, and geographical territories and relate different cultural “places” in order to engage in intercultural dialogue. In light of Raimon Panikkar’s “dia-topical” approach, the panel discussed the following topics: Speakers:
Honolulu 2016
Raimon Panikkar
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«Com més gosem caminar per nous senders -ha dit-,
més necessitat tenim d’estar arrelats a la pròpia tradició i obert
a les altres, que ens fan adonar que no estem sols i que ens permeten assolir una visió més àmplia de la realitat.»